Friday, August 11, 2006

yay for me, met this week's (modest) goal of riding to work two days. baby steps my friends, baby steps...

granted, i was able to meet it by riding thursday and friday (today) but hell, it's still two days.

today i figured i'd take a route other than foothill just to mix things up. heard a guy on the train in the bike car talking about how far south middlefield went so i looked it up on this fancy vta/google map mashup and decided i'd take san tomas to central which turns into alma - then bop over to middlefield and right into downtown redwood city.

should have stayed with foothill my friends...

on san tomas expressway i caught up with an older french guy on a carbon look with dura ace. he was motoring right along so i sat on for a bit. didn't even know i was there. eventually he notices so i take a turn on the front. we come to a stop light so i stop and he's hanging way back going slow. all of a sudden he flies by me charging through the red light as there are still two more cars in the protected left turn lane coming the opposite direction. lucky for him the first one was making a u turn so he did not get splattered like a grape all over the expressway...

when i get on central there's some guy that came out of who knows where behind me, trying to catch up. feeling a bit edgy i do my best to get rid of him before he can sit on. i'm riding pretty hard and just hammering myself up the occasional rollers - just to discourage him.

it was working too until i got stopped by a fucking light... he rolled up and mentioned i was setting a blistering pace. told him i'm just trying to get rid of my beer belly (so i can drink more beer). nice guy - been working at for a couple of years - right next to where i used to work at friendster...

he suggested i get off central soon and get over to either foothill or middlefield so, of course, i go to middlefield.

what a piece of shit lame excuse for a road with a "bike lane." sure, the latter parts through menlo park were pretty nice but it was capped on both ends by crap ass crap of a road... foothill it is for me friends.

one last thing: as i neared redwood city i was just too hungry with no reasonable food at work so i stopped at burger king, ordered three items from the value menu and rolled off, eating them on the road. as my coworker said it was like a "feed zone" in a race - except the food was super crappy and it didn't come in a cute little bag. it sure hit the spot: rodeo cheeseburger, coke and a slice of "dutch" apple pie. dutch my ass - throwing some crumbly stuff on top of a slice of microwaved apple pie doesn't make it dutch in my mind...

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