Thursday, August 10, 2006

well, didn't ride until today but hell, there's one more day left in the week so it's technically possible that i still get two ride to work days in this week.

my belly is grown much faster than my muscles.... have to remind myself that the whole "ride to eat" thing requires riding first and eating second. doesn't work if you just eat, eat, eat regardless of your riding smart guy ;-)

on my ride in to work today i was thinking that really, it's probably 3 hours of hard riding for every single day of indulgent eating. i'm nowhere near that ratio now but it's good to at least think of the numbers - even if i have no plan to try to limit myself based on that ratio...

today some older guy rolled up on me at a stoplight on foothill. he was nice enough - chatty. not uncommon really but generally people shut the fuck up and ride once the light turns green. not this guy, no. he wanted to chit-chat about all kinds of random crap while going 8 fucking miles an hour. hurts my ass to ride that slow for crying out loud... eventually i was like "i'm going to get back on it" and motioned forward - then just started to put the hammer down a bit.

funny thing was he could hang fairly well for an older guy. i'm in no great shape but i still know i can hammer reasonably well for a short period on the flats or rollers (one of the few advantages of being a bigger guy). well, after every stop he just tended back toward his "sunday jaunt" pace - but would stay on the back if i sped up.

oh, one more thing. i was in my occasional white trash drinking mode last night. for me that means i yearn for a forty to drink on the couch. preferably a magnum 40 if i can get my hands on one. i topped it off with a corona later in the night (helped two neighbors work on their bikes and that was my pay) and woke up with a bit of a noggin ache.

still felt pretty good really. my legs burned a bit under pressure but nothing too bad. i think i'm currently all about getting back in shape AND not taking stereotypically good care of my body. fuck convention i say :-D

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