Monday, May 14, 2007

rode in today. jess took my briefcase in for me - and it's pretty heavy - but as i suspected it really made no effective difference.

i caught up with some older guy on a mountain bike on foothill. he was moving along at a pretty good clip. we hit a light and when it turned green we got rolling then i figured i'd take a pull at the front. when he saw me cruising by he jumped hard - but not to pass me - just to make sure i didn't pass him...

and we're on foothill which, though it has a decent shoulder, still aint the best place to ride CHIPS style - side by side. so i chuckle and let off, waving him forward saying "go ahead buddy." then he's like "no, no" and won't pull forward.

one reason i like riding to work on my bike is because i avoid jackass drivers who will speed up when they see you need to change lanes in front of them for whatever reason. this jackass took that strategy onto the bike. fabulous...

i just figured we could help each other go a bit faster, taking turns at the front. most people are down for doing that around here. clearly he wasn't thinking the same thing. well, we came to the little rise just before page mill (going north on foothill) and though he was about as strong as i was and a similar weight/build i figured i'd lay it on a bit heading up the rise - see just how strong he was. though i eased into it he still jumped when he saw me moving up and we did some lame-ass side-by-side drag race thing. near the end i got out of the saddle and he relented.

whatever mr. ego man on the mtb. i just wanted to work together to go faster...

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