Monday, July 31, 2006

Rode yesterday and the day before (sat 7/29 and sun 7/30).

Saturday was a short (1.25 hr) ride with my cousin at Forest Park. Absolutely fucking gorgeous... At the height of summer it was largely a covered ride in a lush green forest. There were areas that opened up a bit to get some sun. Rolling fire roads mostly with single track connecting a lot of the fire roads. Took my cross bike with some new Hutchinson cross tires. Worked great except was a bit sketchy on the steep, deeply rutted section at the end of the ride. I made it without taking a spill but went pretty slowly...

Yesterday I rode from home up Kennedy trail to where the super steep sections started right near the top. Was pretty tired by that time and didn't want to push my legs (joints actually) too hard until I'm back in decent shape.

It was fucking hot up there... Passed a few ladies on the trail on their mountain bikes. It's always great to see women out on the trails. There are more than enough guys on mountain bikes...

Going to try to ride in to the new job tomorrow. Have a 10 a.m. meeting so I'll have to be disciplined about getting out of the house.

Oh yeah, need to pick up my HH Racing Group frame from the shop. Had them chase and face and check the alignment after buying it on eBay. Bought it for a single speed but will probably put my road bike parts on there until I build the single speed rear wheel...

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